COVID-19 Statement
We are thrilled to be welcoming students back to in person dancing. We know that now more than ever children need structure, socialization, and creativity in their lives.
We have always been committed to keeping our students, staff, and observers safe. This continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue into the future. We are dedicated to following the guidelines of the provincial and federal government and health bodies.
We will continue to monitor those guidelines but welcome all people entering the building to use their personal discretion as it relates to their comfort level. Masks are optional but welcomed should you wish to wear one. We are committed to continuous cleaning and sanitizing.
We ask for your assistance by staying home and out of the building should you have symptoms of any type of airborne illness.
As part of our COVID-19 strategies Kickit Dance Studio is committed to maintaining on-going communication and transparency with you.
Please continue to check your email for updated information and changes as they may come.