Erin Ward


Since starting at Kickit in 2006, and joining the competitive program in 2007, Erin has enjoyed every minute spent inside the studio dancing, as well as outside the studio learning and competing. She has trained in many disciplines including Jazz, Lyrical, Tap, Ballet, Hip Hop, Musical Theater, Acro, and Pointe. Throughout her time at Kickit she competed at many competitions including CNDC, Manitoba Dance Festival, CanDance Regina, and Showbiz Minneapolis. She has also had the privilege of learning from professional choreographers in conventions like Jump in Minneapolis and Triple Threat. Erin joined the Kickit staff as an assistant in 2014.

Aside from dancing, Erin has completed her B.A. and is continuing her studies at the University of Manitoba, where she is working towards completing her Bachelor of Education degree. She is very excited to share her knowledge and love of dance with the studio!