Eryn Kirshenbaum

Hip Hop

Eryn started her dance journey at the age of 3 and never looked back, joining the kickit team in 2010. She joined the Kickit staff team halfway through the 2021 season and is thrilled to be back. Over the years Eryn has trained in multiple disciplines such as Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Pointe, Acro, Lyrical/Contemporary and Musical Theatre and didn’t actually start taking HipHop until age 13. 

Eryn joined the competitive team in 2013 and has had the opportunity and pleasure in attending many dance competitions across Canada, including CanDance, Canadian National Dance Championships, The View, Dance Canada, Fever and Manitoba Dance Festival. Continuing her training, she has attended many dance conventions as well as competing and choreographing for her high school dance troupe. Eryn is excited to be a part of the Kickit staff and looks forward to sharing her love of dance and help develop a love of dance in her students.